<浸膩漫享輕思 暢遊舒心景色

June 01, 2021

由年輕夫妻與寵物貓組成的三口之家,在滿足收納需求之餘,更希望能讓愛貓自在活動,艾美幸福設計 許捷甯 設計總監 經充分考量人、貓的生活型態後,結合智能科技應用,劃設雙方皆能自適共處的硬軟裝樣式,同時融入清新色系及柔和暖光,讓完善機能與舒緩的居家氛圍,成就活潑溫馨日常。

A young couple and a pet cat establish a family of three. Besides meeting the storage demands, what more is to set up a smooth flow for the cat to move around freely. Amy Studio design director Amy Hsu take the living habits of people and cat into account, and then incorporate with the intelligent technology application; ingeniously configure a comfy and accommodating circumstance for the whole family. And apply the fresh color theme and gentle warm lighting to perfect the function. Ultimately, bring about a lively, cozy, and homey ambiance.
